July 28, 2010

Baggie baggie baggie can't you see...

So I made this little baggie to put Nina's bday present in, a hand-knit thong! I still haven't finished the thong but I finished the baggie. I kinda just made up this pattern because I wanted something flat-knit but with holes to see whats inside. I'll post the pattern here for anyone interested.

Work stock for 8 rows, slipping first stitch purlwise
Sl 1 (K2tg, k2tg, yo, yo) across row
sl first stitch, stockinette for 14 rows
*Sl 1 (K2tg, yo) till last 2, k2. Next row Sl 1, purl across. Repeat for 8 rows.*
Sl 1, work stockinette for 34 rows
Repeat *
Sl 1 work stockinette for 8 rows
Sl 1 (K2tg, k2tg, yo, yo) across rows
Work stockinette 8 rows, BO
Seam sides, RS in. Then loop scrap yarn through the top loops.

July 22, 2010

Happy Father's Day! Oh, wait.

Well, last week I finally finished my Father's Day scarf for my dad. Better late than never, and its the thought that counts, right? Its 90 degrees outside anyway.

July 9, 2010

Shrug #2!

All done and given to my sister. This one was made from wool yarn unlike the last which was cotton. Its also machine washable, which is always good.

Summer Projects

This knitting thing is lasting longer than many expected, including myself. Besides convincing myself it can be somehow related to feminism I have also found it to be rather relaxing, interesting, and thrifty. Yes, three adjectives in a row. Score.

Right now I'm working on a Father's Day scarf (more like a end-of-August scarf at this rate) along with a series of dishcloths to replace those my roommate has taken with her into Columbia Heights. So far I've finished two small ones out of leftover yarn from my shrug, one heart shaped one and a squarish one, but they're basically useless because they're too small to hang from the oven handle or to dry anything substantial. In an effort not to waste my precious yarn (my preeciousss) I decided to shred some cotton t-shirts to see what happens when I knit them up. I tried to make it a good 1-inch wide strip but it probably varies between 1/4 inch and 1.5 inch, with an average of about 1 inch I'd say. This first one is coming out alright, I decided to do a k2 row, p2 row repeat because I couldn't chose between stockinette and garter stitch. I have another ball of t-shirt yarn to use so maybe the next one I'll try to cable or something cool like that.